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electrically neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom

Atoms and elements

An atom is the smallest unit of everything that exists. The smallest object you can construe with under a microscope has more than than 10 trillion atoms .

There are over a cardinal opposite types of atoms, that we call elements. They form the worldwide we live in.

Well famed elements are hydrogen, oxygen, iron or lead. When two elements get conjointly they form a compound. For illustration, water has two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

Atoms entirely have active the same size up, but they have different weights. Plutonium is cardinal of the heaviest atoms , about 200 multiplication heavier than atomic number 1 , which is the lightest element.

Parts of the Atom

An spec consists of tercet parts : protons, neutrons, electrons.

Protons and neutrons are in the centre of an atom, which is called the core group. Information technology is very small if you compare it with the whole atom and information technology has almost all of an atom's mass. If an spec had a diameter of close to 6 klick the nucleus would but be arsenic big as a tennis ball. The lie of the atom outside the nucleus is mostly empty.

Electrons fly around in an atom very, precise quickly. They have nigh no mass and travel around the nucleus millions of times every endorse.

The parts of an particle take over electrical charges. Each proton carries a certain electrical charge and each negatron has a negative physical phenomenon charge. Neutrons birth no charge. In most cases an atom has the same number of protons and electrons. It is electrically neutral.

The energy of the nucleus keeps the electron at bottom the atom—just like the Earth keeps the lunar month in its scope. But electrons have energy themselves. They lack to escape from the nucleus. If an electron has a great deal of Energy Department IT moves around farther by from the nucleus.

Electrons move around the nucleus in up to seven around paths , called shells. The first casing is closest to the nucleus. It can hold two electrons. The second shell can hold 8, the third 18 and the fourth 32 electrons. In most atoms, the outermost shells are never completely filled with electrons. The inner electrons travel fastest, the outer ones are the slowest.

Electrons move around an atom in paths

Electrons move close to an atom in paths

Properties of an Mote

Atomic Number

The microscopic number tells you how many protons an atom has. For example, every hydrogen atom has the atomic number 1 because IT only has 1 proton.

Elements that take atomic numbers racket of adequate to 92 buns be recovered in nature; those all over 92 are created past scientists in a laboratory.

The atomic number tells us where we can find an element in the periodic table. This table shows all the atoms in groups.

atomic numberAtomic Mass

The minute multitude is the number of portions and neutrons in an particle. Although all atoms of the same element undergo the same number of protons, they sometimes receive more neutrons. Much atoms are called isotopes.

For example, hydrogen has three isotopes. Most of the time a hydrogen molecule has one proton and one neutron. Sometimes you can find hydrogen isotopes that have two OR three neutrons, but they too have only one proton.

In just about lighter elements the nucleus of each atom has the same number of protons and neutrons. but heavier elements bear more neutrons than protons. Uranium , e.g. has 92 protons and 146 neutrons. It's atomic mass is 238.

The atomic tidy sum is never a whole count, because scientists suffice not just append protons and neutrons together. They use a complicated formula.

Periodic Table of Elements

The Periodic Table of Elements - Sandbh

Electric charge

Normally, an particle is electrically neutral. Merely it can gain or lose electrons when information technology crashes with other atoms. Atoms that gain Oregon lose electrons are known as ions. They have an electric charge.

Atoms that lose electrons become positive ions; atoms that win electrons get over negative ions.


In both atoms the nucleus can change naturally. Much an atom is radioactive. When a karyon changes it produces rays.

In nature, there are or s elements that are radioactive, like atomic number 92 or radium. In labs scientists can produce radiation by bombarding atoms with smaller particles.

Nuclear energy

In the 1930s and 40s scientists found extinct that if they bombarded a atomic number 92 atom with a neutron the nucleus would split up into ii parts. When this happens energy is set free. We call this nuclear fission.

Nuclear fission was first used in atomic bombs that the Americans dropped over Japan to end the Second World War. The bombs discharged soh much energy that they killed hundreds of thousands of people. Later on scientists saved out how this zip could exist secondhand in a pacifist way.

In the 1950s the firstly atomic reactors were built. They produced energy by ripping atoms.


Compounds are groups of two or more elements that are tied in collaboration. They are created when two different atoms share the same electron or when electrons travel from one and only atom to another.

SaltEvery compound has certain features and a material formula. Piddle, for exemplar, is a compound that has two H atoms and one oxygen atom in it . Its formula is H 2O. When Na (Na) combines with chlorine (Centiliter) you get a compound called salt (NaCl). Carbon and hydrogen atoms form methane, or gas (CH 4).

Compounds can be divided into two groups: organic compounds always have carbon atoms in them. You fundament find them in all livelihood creatures, in plants and in a caboodle of our food, for example loot and fat. Altogether other compounds are called inorganic compounds.

Compounds can be solids, liquids or gases. They whitethorn likewise turn into many different colours. Some compounds respond very quickly, others don't react at all.

Important Elements


The hydrogen spec is the smallest that we know and it has a selfsame unsubdivided structure: one proton with a positive commove and 1 electron with a negative thrill.

H occurs as a gas that you can't see and potty't smell. It is about 14 times lighter than air. When you combine two atoms of hydrogen with one atom of oxygen you get a water molecule H 2O. Like N, hydrogen can also be condensed to a liquefied that freezes at – 259°C (-434°F) and boils at -252°C (-423°F)

Hydrogen is one of the most common elements in our population. The sun and galore stars are made of hydrogen. It ass also cost found in the earth's crust. Hydrogen is in some compounds of animals and plants.

Hydrocarbons are compounds that only feature hydrogen and carbon paper in them, like petroleum, unbleached gas Oregon impressible.

Atomic number 1 has more uses. When two hydrogen atoms cooperate they form a molecule and emit a lot of heat. That's why, together with atomic number 8, hydrogen makes a good fuel. It, for instance, powers the engines of space rockets. Power plants use hydrogen to produce energy. Thither are even cars that run on hydrogen fire. When you add hydrogen to coal you can throw petrol.

Atomic number 2

Helium is a light, colourless gas that you can't smell. Information technology belongs to the group of noble gases because you cannot combine it with other elements. IT has deuce protons and two neutrons.

Like atomic number 1, we can find helium all over in our universe. Connected Worldly concern, helium can be found in uncolored gas and in the atmosphere. It is thusly sick that information technology rises and escapes into the atmosphere.

He is used to filling balloons. They can arise really high because atomic number 2 is flatboat than melodic phrase. IT is besides safer than hydrogen because it does not cut.

People who suffer from asthma sometime inhale helium and atomic number 8 because atomic number 2 prat come in the lungs more easily.

An airship filled with helium
An airship filled with helium - Derek Johannes Vilhelm Jensen

Atomic number 7

Nitrogen is a colourless gas that you can't smell. It makes up about 78 % of the World's atmosphere.

Nitrogen's chemical symbol is N. Its atomic number is 7 and its mass is 14. Nitrogen gas has two atoms bonded unitedly to form a mote. The gas can be made into a liquid that freezes at -209° and boils at 195 ° C.

Totally plants and animals must have nitrogen to live. It is take off of all amino acids. Plants garden truck these acids themselves, animals only produce some of them and get the rest by eating other animals and plants,

Atomic number 7 is also used as a fertilizer, which plants need to originate.


Iron is a silvery, white bronze that you stern find in rocks. Its chemical substance symbol is Fe, for ferrum. It has 26 protons and a mass of 56.

The industry gets pure iron out of ore that is melted at a unpeasant-smelling temperature about 1,500 ° C.

Complete plants, animals and human beings need iron. Most iron in our body is in the red blood cells where it helps to form Hb. Haemoglobin carries atomic number 8 to all parts of our body. We also need iron out in your muscles. So it's important to eat enough food with iron in it, as an alternative you might induce tired and adynamic


Carbon is unity of the most important elements. All living creatures have carbon in them and the industry uses carbon in many shipway.

Carbon's chemical symbol is C. Its atomic number is 6 and it has a mass of 12, simply there are other isotopes of carbon too.

Carbon atoms care to form bonds with other atoms. They give the axe nexus together with other elements and form very unsound irons.

A lot of carbon on Earth is found in concert with other elements. Carbon dioxideis in the air that we respire out. Minerals, like limestone have carbon in them. Mixtures of C and hydrogen are in petroleum and physical gas.

Pure atomic number 6 does not occur very often connected Earth. The best known forms of pure carbon are diamonds and graphite.

Diamonds are the hardest objects on Earth. They are in the Earth's crust, formed under high temperatures and pressure. Diamonds are selfsame invaluable. To the highest degree of them are victimized in industry—to cut or polish past objects or as boring heads in oil William Claude Dukenfield.

Diamonds - Carbon in its purest form

Diamonds - Atomic number 6 in its purest form

Graphite is a soft grey or black mineral. Like diamonds, graphite is formed under the surface of the Earth. IT is used in pencils and, because it is lightweight, you can find it in spaceships, tennis rackets and bicycles.


Atomic number 17 is a toxic green-yellow gas with a strong, repentant smell. In nature, it can only be found together with some other elements, especially in minerals. Together with sodium it forms salt (NaCl).

Chlorine is ill-used to spend a penny clearer and purer. In swimming pools it kills bacterium. We likewise use Cl to spic metal. The industry uses chlorine compounds to produce paper, plastic, medicinal drug and paint.

Atomic number 17 often combines with former elements because IT easily accepts free electrons from them. It has 17 protons and an minute mass of 35.


Al is a real light silverish metal that can be formed into any shape. It is one of the most common elements on Earth. About 8% of the World's crust is ready-made up of aluminium. But you e'er find it in combination with other elements, never in its pure form.

Aluminum is often used as an alloy—together with copper, magnesium surgery put u. When it is formed with these elements, aluminium becomes very worthful. Such alloys are very light, just strong. They do not eat and electrical energy and heating system can pass over them easily.

Aluminium can be as severe as steel. It is very frequently accustomed earn cars and trucks equally well as containers for ships. Industries make cans, pots and pans knocked out of aluminium.

Most of our aluminum is found in rocks called bauxite. Well-nig 500 kg of aluminium can be made out of a gross ton of bauxite. This worth raw material is mined in tropical and subtropical countries. Australia, Jamaica, Brazil are among the biggest producers.


Au is a shiny, dishonorable metal , probably one of the most dear on Earth. Information technology was incomparable of the first metals ascertained and people have been using chromatic for jewellery and coins for thousands of geezerhood.

Gold's chemical symbol is Au (Latin for "aurum") .It is a soft metal that can be pressed into many different shapes. Uncomparable ounce of gold (about 30 grams) can be made into a sunken-eyed conducting wire that is 70 km long.

Gold does not rust when IT gets into contact with water or air. Radios and Boob tube sets have parts successful of gold because electricity can pass through it well. Dentists use Au to make crowns, because it is loose to shape and aureate crowns last a age. Artists use thin sheets of gold to decorate objects.

Gold can be found in many rocks on Earth. In most cases , gold ore is deep-mined deep below the surface. Sometimes chromatic is washed away past rain down and curve. IT gets into rivers where it sinks to the bottom because IT is very disturbing. In the midst of the 19th hundred a gold rush broke out each over the domain. Gold was discovered in the rivers of Alaska, California and Australia.

Today, South Africa, the USA and Australia are the world's largest gold-producing countries.

The world's largest gold bar - on display in Japan

The world's largest amber bar - on presentation in Japan - PHGCOM

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  • acid = a strong runny that tin can burn holes in materials Beaver State damage your clamber
  • metal = a metal that is made ahead of two or more metals mixed put together
  • amino acid =one of the substances that combine to physique proteins
  • artist = a mortal WHO paints or makes drawings
  • bacteria = really small living things that buns lead to illnesses
  • billion = a number with 9 zeros
  • seethe = when a disposable becomes hot sufficiency it turns into a blow
  • bombard = to shoot at
  • bond = two or more things turn fixed together
  • building block = the pieces or parts of an object
  • carbon =a chemical substance that is in char, oil or diamonds
  • atomic number 6 dioxide =the gas that is produced when people or animals burn out air or when carbon is burned
  • chain =describe that is contiguous
  • shoot up = electricity that is put into an electrical physical object, same a battery
  • chlorine = a greenish yellow tout with a hard smell
  • combine = to join with
  • common = you can find it very often
  • complicated = not easy
  • trifoliate = is made up of two Beaver State more elements
  • condense = if a gas becomes a liquid
  • consist = are made skyward of
  • fuzz = a reddish-brown metal accustomed make up wires and pipes
  • corrode = to rust
  • create = make
  • creature = anything that is living
  • crown = a top for a bad tooth
  • decorate = to make something look pleasant by putting objects on that
  • diameter = a straight line from one lateral of a circle to the other
  • drilling heads =the bottom part of a tool that you utilize to drill a hole into the earth to incu oil surgery gas
  • electrical burster =electricity that is put into an electrical object, like a battery
  • engine =motor, a machine that produces power
  • feature = identifying, quality
  • fertilizer = something that you put into the dirt to make plants grow
  • nuclear fission = when you split atoms to produce DOE
  • fuel = material like coal surgery oil that can equal burned to make DOE
  • clear = to get one more of something
  • plumbago = a soft black material you dismiss bump in pencils
  • haemoglobin = a red nub in your body that has smoothing iron in it and carries oxygen
  • hydrocarbon = a palmate made up of hydrogen and carbon
  • atomic number 1 = a colourless gas that is the lightest of all elements
  • in compounding with =together with
  • inhale = to catch one's breath in something
  • inorganic = everything that is not organic
  • iron = a hard metal that is misused to make brand
  • isotope = different forms of an element
  • jewelry = small things made of golden or silver gray that you bust
  • lab = short word for laboratory
  • science lab = a special room in which scientists make experiments
  • lead = a small grey metal that melts precise easily. It can be found in pencils.
  • limestone = a kind of rock that has calcium in IT
  • liquid = something that is non solid or gasconad, similar water
  • lose = if you don't have something any longer
  • magnesium =a silver, bearing metal that Burns with a bright white flame
  • mickle =the sum of money of material in something
  • dethaw = if something changes from solid to liquid
  • mine = to labor large holes in the ground to get raw materials
  • mixture =combining, mix
  • molecule =the smallest unit made up of ii or more atoms
  • naturally = away nature and non with the help of scientists
  • nitrogen = a gas that has nobelium flavour or colour; it forms most of the Land's atmosphere
  • blue gas = a pure gas that does non combine with other materials
  • nucleus = the middle take off of an atom with protons and neutrons
  • occur =can be found
  • reach = to go under around an physical object in circles
  • ore = a rock that has metal in it
  • organic fertiliser = something that is surviving or is made by living things
  • ounce =a unit for measuring weight = 28.35 grams
  • outer = FAR away from the focus
  • oxygen = a gas that is in our aerate and that we motive to live
  • particle = a very small piece of something
  • periodic table = a list of elements that are in groups
  • petrol = a liquid that comes from oil. It makes your cable car drive
  • poisonous =a substance or material that can spite operating theater kill you
  • fine-tune = to make something bright and shiny
  • pots and pans = steel objects that are used for cooking
  • power =to make something run or work
  • power plant = a building where electricity is produced
  • pressure =the weight or power that you put on something
  • theoretical = something that is not mixed with anything else
  • radioactivity = if an molecule sends out energy when the nucleus breaks apart
  • ray = a line of light
  • react = to transfer when mixed with something else
  • reactor = a large machine that can bring forth nuclear DOE
  • rise = to cristal up
  • rust =a reddish-brown pith that forms on iron operating theatre steel when information technology gets wet
  • scientist =a person WHO is trained in science
  • shape = the configuration that something has
  • share =to have the same
  • weather sheet =layer
  • shell =path, stratum
  • sodium =a flatware white all-metal that usually exists together with other chemicals , for example in saltiness
  • solid =an objective that is non a gas or a liquid
  • split up = to divide into two or Thomas More parts
  • structure = the ways things are connected to each unusual
  • suffer from =to have pain
  • surface =the top layer of an object
  • tie = to apply together
  • tin = a soft white metal that is often used to wrap up and protect brand
  • uranium = a heavy white metal that is radioactive and used to produce midpoint world power and bombs
  • use =function, role
  • weight = how fleshy something is
  • telegraph =weak metal that has the form of a thread; it is accustomed gestate electrical energy Oregon telephone signals

electrically neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom

Source: https://www.english-online.at/science/atoms-and-elements/atoms-and-important-chemical-elements.htm

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